This FAQ is for database providers who wish to mark up their content using micro data. If you wish to know more about Sagace, please refer to this link. extension
- What's the meaning of seeAlso?
- How can I mark up a species that is not in any existing ID scheme?
- Do you have any plans to add other properties or vocabularies to BiologicalDatabaseEntry or BiologicalDatabase
(such as Chemical Formula and Biological Resource)? - How can I describe the type of a database using general terms, such as gene function, disease, glycan structure and patent? Should we have a vocabulary for this purpose?
How to mark up and get it recognized by Sagace
- If I mark up an entry with two or more properties, how does Sagace deal with it?
- In XHTML, attribute values cannot be omitted. Is it OK to mark up as itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="BiologicalDatabaseEntry", instead of itemscope itemtype="BiologicalDatabaseEntry"?
- For entries related to infectious diseases, we can't distinguish the two species (i.e., the host and the pathogen). How does Sagace deal with such cases?
- How can I mark up using seeAlso and taxon?
- Which html tags are recommended to mark up microdata?