Search Help
AND search (AND, space)
If you put AND between two words in your query, pages which include both words will appear in the search results. AND can be dropped. For example, [lung AND cancer] and [lung cancer] return the same results.
OR search (OR)
If you put OR between two words in your query, pages which include either word will appear in the search results. For example, [lung OR liver] returns the combined results of search by either [lung] or [liver].
ANDNOT search (-)
If a minus sigh is attached immediately before a word in your query, pages with the word are excluded in the search result. For example, [lung -liver cancer] searches pages including both [lung] and [cancer] but not [liver].
Phrase search ("")
A phrase with double quotes (") is used as-is in the search query. For example, [lung cancer] and ["lung cancer"] return different search results (the former being identical to [lung AND cancer]).
Employing synonyms
Search queries in Sagace are automatically enriched with synonyms defined in Life Science Dictionary (LSD). Phrases with double quotes are enriched with synonymous phrases in LSD. If you do not wish to use synonyms in your search, select "No synonyms" from the synonyms option menu on the search result page after initial search.